
topshines: autism success stories

EPISODE 05: Tony Hernandez Pumarejo

Do you know the story of @tony_hernandez_pumarejo?

Tony is a motivational speaker, podcaster, and writer who lives with Asperger’s. Despite the challenges he has faced, he has achieved great things like traveling the world, attending university, starting his own business, and even being a spokesperson in the United States Congress.

Tony is an example that autism is not a barrier to success. His story inspires us to pursue our dreams and not give up in the face of difficulties. Visit the Divershines platform and learn more about Tony and his incredible story in our latest TopShines.

Tony Hernandez Pumarejo

Tony Hernandez Pumarejo

Youtube Channel: @tonyhernandezpumarejo
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tonyhpuma
Language: English-Spanish

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