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Childhood (6 to 11 years):

Blossoming Individuality and Broadening Horizons

The period from 6 to 11 years, known as middle childhood, represents a crucial phase of transition and expansion in human development. Children leave early childhood behind and enter preadolescence, a time of consolidation and growth. 

Children within the autism spectrum go through a pivotal stage where their development solidifies, and new opportunities arise to stimulate their progress. 

While challenges in social communication and a preference for routines may persist, many autistic children show significant improvements with appropriate support and interventions during these years. 

Continuous speech and occupational therapies, programs to reinforce interpersonal skills and emotional management, as well as strategies to cope with sensory sensitivities, are fundamental pillars. 

The school environment is central for academic learning and practicing social skills with peers, requiring adapted curricula and trained teachers’ support. 

This phase offers an optimal time to discover exceptional talents and interests in areas like music, arts, mathematics, or sciences, which can turn into future vocations.  With consistency, patience, and teamwork among families, therapists, and educators, childhood from 6 to 11 years can lead to significant advancements and joys for children within the spectrum. 

Here, you will find articles, tools, and recommendations that will be very helpful in navigating this developmental stage.

childhood illustration little kid

(6-11 Years)



CozyHeadphones Review 2024

Finding the perfect headphones for autism can be a daunting task, especially for children with sensory sensitivities. Many children with autism struggle with traditional headphones due to discomfort, poor fit, and overwhelming sound levels. CozyHeadphones might be the solution you’ve been looking for.

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How to Choose the Best School for Your Autistic Child? Key Tips

Choosing the best school for your autistic child is a complex decision that directly impacts their development and overall trajectory. In the United States, there are several options available. It is crucial to find one that meets your child’s unique needs and fosters a supportive and inclusive environment.

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Karrie Arraiz

Which school to choose?

One of the big questions for neurodiverse families is the school. We want the place where our children spend most of their time to be perfect in terms of education, care, understanding, and safety.
We start with high expectations and hopes, but as months go by, those feelings can turn into fears and sometimes despair.

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Can Autism Worsen

Can Autism Worsen or Regress Over Time?

If you have a loved one on the autism spectrum, it’s natural to worry about how their condition will evolve as they age. But can autism worsen or cause a person to regress in their progress? Today, we’ll share some recommendations to help individuals with autism maintain and improve their skills throughout their lives.

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Sivan Hong

Helping Your Autistic Child Thrive: Tips for a Smooth Start to the School Year

As a parent, you undoubtedly know the start of a new school year can be an exciting but also nerve-wracking time, particularly if your child is on the autism spectrum. Autistic students often struggle with change, and a new school year represents a series of changes: new teachers, new routines, new classmates, and maybe even a new school. However, with careful planning, compassionate understanding, and open communication, you can help your child start the year off smoothly and comfortably.  

Here are some strategies to make the transition as easy as possible. 

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can autism be cured?

Can Autism Be Cured?

Today, we will explore the myths and realities surrounding the idea of curing autism, its scientific basis, and the most effective ways to support people with autism.

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