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cubes with autism lettering on wooden table
Abraham Ros De La Fuente


AUTISM!!! Unfortunately, a word that scares, paralyzes, and at first, shatters all your dreams and hopes. Yet, despite the challenges hidden deep within it, it has also helped me understand myself, comprehend myself, and above all, accept myself.  

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Orlando Jaramillo

Statement: Asperger Syndrome: A Necessary Clarification

Firstly, it is crucial to emphasize that Asperger Syndrome is not an illness. The term “syndrome” refers to a set of characteristics or traits, not an ailment in itself. 

We, people with Asperger’s Syndrome, face particular challenges, with socialization being one of the most noticeable. However, it is essential to recognize that, like everyone else, we possess a blend of traits, strengths, and abilities.

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tv remote with tv screen on the back

Notable characters on the autism spectrum in the US

In recent years, the portrayal of autistic characters in media has seen a significant transformation, bringing forth a deeper understanding and appreciation of the autism spectrum. Autistic characters in popular media not only challenge stereotypes but also offer a unique perspective on the diverse experiences of individuals with autism.

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Autistic Parenthood
Sivan Hong

We Are Not Bad Parents: Supporting Behavior Issues

I wanted to share some thoughts about something that parents of neurodivergent kids face every day – the importance of not punishing our neurodivergent children for behavior issues. We have all been there, on the playground or some other public place, where other parents shame us with their looks and facial expressions because of our child’s behavior. Those parents don’t understand that for our children, behavior is different than it is for neurotypical children. We are not bad parents, and our children are not bad kids.

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acceptance mature woman with open arms in nature
Lisa Morgan

The Power of Being Accepted

I got a homemade gift the other day. It’s absolutely incredible in so many ways. The gift itself is beautiful, the person who made it even more so. There are many layers of meaning within the gift; I’m still processing it days later. 

I want to share one meaning because it shows the power of acceptance. 

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Overwhelmed Parents

As a parent, receiving a diagnosis of autism for your child can be overwhelming and confusing. It is natural to feel a range of emotions, including fear, sadness, and uncertainty. However, it is important to remember that you are not alone and that there is professional help available to support you and your child. 

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Sensory Integration

Sensory Integration

Sensory integration is a process that allows us to receive, process, and use the information we receive through our senses. In the case of autism, this process can be affected and have a significant impact on the daily lives of those who experience it.

Sensory integration in autism refers to how individuals with this condition process and use sensory information they receive. This can include how they perceive sounds, light, touch, and other sensory stimuli.

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Inclusion is not a trend, nor a privilege, it's a right
Ileana Hieber Hernández

Inclusion is not a trend, nor a privilege, it’s a right

My wish as a person with a disability is that people with disabilities stop struggling one day regarding issues related to educational and employment inclusion and start worrying about our next trip, having fun with our friends, planning our wedding, visiting the salon, or buying our own apartment with inclusion being an already solved and outdated issue.

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