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loli the bald sheep
Ileana Hieber Hernández

Loli, the Bald Sheep, a Very Realistic Tale

An inclusivity conscious society is formed from preschool stages, as inclusion does not arise naturally in an infant; there must be intentionality: intentionality on the part of the family, intentionality of the educational center, intentionality of those responsible for children’s leisure places.

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can dogs be autistic

Can Dogs Be Autistic? Reality or Fiction?

Can dogs be autistic? This question often arises among pet owners who notice unusual behaviors in their canine companions. Although the term “autism” is well-defined in human medicine, applying it to dogs is not as straightforward. In today’s article, we aim to debunk common misconceptions and provide insightful guidance for concerned pet owners.

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adults with autism

Uniting Social Skills and Professional Success: A Dual Guide for Adults with Autism

In an increasingly diverse and inclusive society, it is essential to address and enhance the skills and capabilities of all individuals, especially those in frequently underrepresented groups. Adults with autism, a growing and vital segment of our population, face unique challenges in social and professional integration. Our focus with this publication is to bridge the gap between the development of personal social skills and the achievement of professional success for adults on the Spectrum (ASD), providing key strategies and enriching perspectives that pave the way toward more effective and empowering integration in society and the workforce. 

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autism and anxiety

The complex relationship between autism and anxiety

For many people on the autism spectrum, anxiety is not just an occasional concern but a pervasive aspect of their daily lives. The interaction between autism and anxiety can significantly affect a person’s overall well-being. Understanding this connection is paramount to develop effective support and intervention strategies

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Can people with autism drive

Can people with autism drive? Debunking myths and highlighting facts

A question that is often asked by individuals on the spectrum and their families, encompassing important topics of independence, ability, and social participation, is: “Can people with autism drive?” In this publication, we aim to debunk myths, understand the capabilities of neurodiverse individuals, and highlight the facts surrounding this important topic. 

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life in colors
Karrie Arraiz

Life in Colors

I am the mother of 2 little giants who are within the Autism Spectrum, and I have dedicated the last 10 years to understanding the disorder and understanding everything that their body and mind carry or feel. I have dedicated myself to leading a healthier lifestyle for them and I became resilient just to be able to guide them in this adventure called life, in this way to be able to guide them to adapt to this society.

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