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Review of Designer Sara Grace Designer: The Art of People in the Autistic Community

Since 2016, Designer Sara Grace has charmed jewelry lovers, with over 1,020 sales and ongoing 5-star reviews propelling her brand forward. Her work is handmade using repurposed, second-hand materials. Additionally, 20% of her profits are donated to the ACLU, highlighting her commitment to social causes. Sara’s work is another testament to the talent of autistic artists, as many of her pieces are inspired by and crafted with the help of her daughter, who is on the spectrum.

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Beyond Words: How Vichysart celebrates autism with colorful creations

Viktor Bevanda, a self-taught artist from Aventura, Florida, has always had a passion for art. Since childhood, Viktor spent hours in his room, bringing his vivid imagination to life on canvas. Diagnosed with autism at an early age, Viktor found it difficult to communicate with others. However, his art became his voice, allowing him to express himself in ways that words could not.

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ingreso suplementario

Financial Independence for Adults with Autism A Detailed Look at Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

The world of financial support can be daunting, especially for some adults with autism. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a resource that provides necessary financial assistance to many adults on the autism spectrum. This publication aims to demystify access to SSI benefits, offering guidance for adults with autism and their caregivers. From understanding eligibility criteria to successfully applying, we delve into aspects that can help foster independence and improve the quality of life for neurodiverse adults. 

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Orlando Jaramillo

The Role of Inclusive Education in Supporting People with Asperger’s Syndrome

La educación inclusiva desempeña un papel fundamental en la integración y apoyo a personas con síndrome de Asperger. Su objetivo principal es desarrollar el potencial de todos los estudiantes, sin importar sus características personales, asegurando así la igualdad de oportunidades y la eliminación de barreras en el sistema educativo. Asperger para Asperger se presenta como un recurso confiable y profesional para brindar apoyo a personas con síndrome de Asperger, contribuyendo a su éxito académico y social.

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Lisa Morgan

The Best Version Of Me

I am an autistic adult who lived undiagnosed through the sixties and seventies in a school environment where differences were not accepted and teachers thought quiet, bright, students could be left alone in favor of the more vocal, struggling ones. I fell through the cracks and landed in a no-man’s land of bullying, rejection, sensory assaults, and pervasive loneliness.

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Ileana Hieber Hernández

“Inclusion of People with Disabilities, A Story of Sheep and Wolves”

I still have the same question: Why are people with disabilities denied in recruitment processes by companies in Mexico?

In countries like Spain, there are laws where each company must have at least 2% of its employees with some kind of disability, and if they do not comply, there are no other options. Countries like Mexico barely require 1% by “law” of people hired with some disability. In companies like Bimbo or Coca Cola, which have over seventy and ninety thousand employees, 1% is barely seven hundred employees with disabilities.

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