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Youth (12 to 18 years):

Seeking Identity. Facing New Challenges and Embracing the Future.

Adolescence, spanning from 12 to 18 years, represents a phase of unique metamorphosis and complexity in human development. Children transform into teenagers and then into young adults amidst significant hormonal, psychological, and social changes. Adolescence is particularly complex for young individuals within the autism spectrum, filled with major transformations and social demands. 

Puberty brings typical physical changes for all teenagers, but for autistic individuals, it can be overwhelming due to their sensitivity to hormonal and sensory stimuli. They need to be guided with great patience and care. 

Interpersonal relationships and peer pressure intensify during this time. Difficulties in managing social expectations and fitting in can impact self-esteem. Constant reinforcement of social skills is necessary. 

Schooling remains crucial, requiring support to tackle growing academic demands and achieve positive integration with peers. 

With adaptations, motivation, and collaboration between parents, therapists, and educators, autistic youths can discover unique talents and shape a life plan that enables a successful transition to adulthood. 

Explore this category to learn more about this stage, filled with discoveries, including first-hand experiences from young individuals within the autism spectrum.


youth drawing young person listen music with headphones

Promoting Neurodiversity in the Workplace: A Guide for Employers

Recognizing the strengths of autistic individuals can lead businesses to discover a wealth of innovation, dedication, and problem-solving ability. The convergence of autism and work represents a significant step towards accepting neurodiversity and offers a unique opportunity to create neurodivergent-friendly workplaces, fostering supportive cultures that leverage the distinctive skills of people on the spectrum.

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Exploring the Autistic Mind: Myths vs. Realities

In this publication, we will break paradigms about autism, debunking the most common myths and showcasing the realities of the condition, promoting a deeper understanding and appreciation of the diverse experiences of autistic people.

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can cats be autistic

Can Cats Be Autistic?

Have you ever wondered if your cat’s unique behaviors could be associated with neurodivergent traits, leading you to think of your pet as an “autistic cat”? Although there isn’t enough scientific evidence to confirm that autism in felines manifests the same way as in humans, this question often arises among pet owners curious about their cats’ peculiar habits. In today’s article, we will delve into some behaviors in cats that resemble autism and how to better understand our pets.

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Exciting New Adventure for Neurodivergent Young Adults with Alex Stratikis

Have you ever wondered if your cat’s unique behaviors could be associated with neurodivergent traits, leading you to think of your pet as an “autistic cat”? Although there isn’t enough scientific evidence to confirm that autism in felines manifests the same way as in humans, this question often arises among pet owners curious about their cats’ peculiar habits. In today’s article, we will delve into some behaviors in cats that resemble autism and how to better understand our pets.

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