Life In Colors

I am the mother of 2 little giants who are within the Autism Spectrum, and I have dedicated the last 10 years to understanding the disorder and understanding everything that their body and mind carry or feel. I have dedicated myself to leading a healthier lifestyle for them and I became resilient just to be able to guide them in this adventure called life, in this way to be able to guide them to adapt to this society.
I created a space where through my experiences I leave my grain of sand to help other mothers who are starting out in this process.
AUTISM for me is the unknown, the sublime, a journey into the interior of human beings to discover the origin of their feelings and thoughts, to understanding irritability, excessive shouting and crying.

Autism came to our home to show us a new way of living, from how to feed ourselves in a healthier way to taking us back to the earth, back to the natural origin, where we enjoy a big tree more than a luxury car, letting on the one hand, the parties and meetings to study what else we can do to see progress on the path to independence.
I have come across countless protocols and accounts. Some are wonderful and some are not very viable for us and that is why I returned to this path and share them with you.
Our mission is to achieve Respect, Compassion, Acceptance, Inclusion and love.
There are many paths to navigate in this intense world of Autism and there are many professionals and parents who are committed from love to find the best ways to achieve safe adulthood for themselves and their entire body.
Autism is a reason to improve humanity, not to steal our smile.

Karrie Arraiz
Holistic Chef specialized in anti-inflammatory and anti- allergic cooking
Advice and Integral Consulting
Instagram: @lifeincolors_mr
Language: Spanish